I’m Heidi Boghosian, a New York City-based privacy advocate, author, and attorney focused on civil liberties in the surveillance age.
I’ve led several social justice organizations, including the National Lawyers Guild and now the AJ Muste Foundation for Peace and Justice.
My work on privacy and technology includes Spying on Democracy (released weeks after Edward Snowden’s NSA revelations), “I Have Nothing to Hide” and 20 Other Myths About Privacy and Surveillance (2021), and Cyber Citizens: Saving Democracy with Digital Literacy coming in June 2025 from Beacon Press.
I also write amicus (“friend of the court”) briefs in cases involving government overreach, including the Cuban Five, SHAC 7, Mumia Abu-Jamal, and Ross Ulbricht.
For 20 years I’ve co-hosted the radio show and podcast Law and Disorder.